But even to acknowledge the distinctiveness of “heterosexual life-long coupling that produces new human life” is to make a concession that many gay marriage supportersĪre unwilling to make. This ideal, actively exclude others - both in the religious and the secular sphere? … But, as Ross concedes, the question is whether this ideal should rest on its own laurels or needs to be elevated by law and doctrine to the highest level of human relationship, and also, in order to achieve Sacrament since it is premised on the very Thomist arguments Ross puts forward. I understand why this is a Sacrament, and have no interest in being included in such a There is a miraculous, sacred, awe-inspiring aspect to it. Heterosexual life-long coupling that produces new human life. Generations - that makes it worthy of distinctive recognition and support.” I’m going to repeat what I have said before: I don’t disagree with this at all. Ross’ core argument is that “lifelong heterosexual monogamy at its best can offer something distinctive and remarkable - a microcosm of civilization, and an organic connection between human In his response to my original column on this issue, Andrew Sullivan began with the common ground between us: A belated, lengthy post on gay marriage follows below the fold.